National Council for Measurement in Education


NCME supports individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. They aim to advance scientific knowledge about education measurement while providing best practices in the field.

Services Used

Full-Service Association Management

A full partnership between Talley and your organization — we do it all, so you can focus on what matters most — your long-term vision.

How Talley Helps ISEV

How We Helped NCME Profit on Pandemic Conferences

From Breaking Even to $90k Profit

As NCME set out to throw their first solo conference at the beginning of the pandemic, Talley stepped in to help them not only throw a successful event, but make a profit.

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Talley staff are professional, knowledgeable and easy to work with. They have great institutional knowledge, are creative with their solutions, and are dedicated to serving our membership.

Ye Tong
National Council on Measurement in Education President, Former President
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